Welcome to Django ListView Filters’s documentation!


Attempting to duplicate the functionality of the ModelAdmin List Filter capabilities.

This is largely a copy-paste of the source code for that modified to work outside of the admin interface. For example, references to model_admin have been removed.


python -m pip install django_listview_filters==0.0.1b1.dev1

Additional Functionality

A few customizations are added.

Add ‘Clear Filter’ Context

Adds setting for replacing the ‘All’ link with a button that clears the parameter from the query.

Only List Lookups With Matches

Adds setting for filtering of list for sidebar to only those with matches. That way empty links aren’t taking up valuable space.

Add Count to Context (Future)

Add the count of number of objects to each link that can be shown in the template.



Filter choices should be sorted at the template or context level.


In your class-based view:

def get_context_data(self, **kwargs)
   # super() is import for all of the other context gathering in FilterViewMixin
   context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)

   # This matches the name defined in `list_filters` in the view definition.
   filter_name = 'author'

   # Method of FilterViewMixin
   filter = self.get_filter_by_name(filter_name)

   # Sort by lowercase of second object of tuples (display name)
   filter.lookup_choices = sorted(filter.lookup_choices, key = lambda x: x[1].lower())

   return context

or in your template using the built-in dictsort filter:

{% with filter_objects|dictsort:"display" as display_list %}
   {% for item in display_list %}
      <div class="row">
         <a href="{{ item.query_string }}" class="col-auto nav-link link-dark py-0{% if item.selected %} active{% endif %}">
            {{ item.display|truncatechars:20 }}
   {% endfor %}
{% endwith %}



from django.db import models

class Author(models.Model):
   name = models.CharField("Author's Name", max_length=100)
   birthday = models.DateField("Author's Birthday", blank=True)

class Book(models.Model):
   title = models.CharField("Book Title", max_length=150)
   author = models.ForeignKey(Author, on_delete=models.PROTECT)

Class-based View

from django.view.generic import ListView

from django_listview_filters.filters import RelatedFieldListViewFilter
from django_listview_filters.mixins import FilterViewMixin

class AuthorListView(ListView):
   context_object_name = "author"
   queryset = Author.objects.order_by("name")

class BookListView(FilterViewMixin, ListView):
   context_object_name = "book"
   queryset = Author.objects.order_by("title")

   list_filter = [
      ('author', RelatedFieldListViewFilter)


{% for filter_name, filter_objects, clear_fragment in filter_list %}
      {{ filter_name|title }}
      <a href="{{ clear_fragment }}">clear filter</a>
      {% with filter_objects|dictsort:"display" as display_list %}
         {% for item in display_list %}
               <a href="{{ item.query_string }}">
                  {{ item.display }}
         {% endfor %}
      {% endwith %}